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More About Me

As a dedicated gamer, I have embarked on making game demos since my middle school years using Scratch. At that time, I was obsessed with the sense of accomplishment after creating intriguing playing methods and sharing these demos with the online community. Most people around me think that I am a challenger who is audacious enough to try everything. However, from my perspective, I simply love the thrill of creating something new that nobody else can make. That is why I chose to further my study in computer graphics, a challenging but romantic field in computer science.


In China, video games are actually not something that many people praise. When children fall behind in their academic performance, games are most often the first to be blamed. While this is true in some cases, there are also myriad great games that can teach kids valuable things they don’t usually have access to in everyday life, such as friendship through adversity, courage out of injustice, and willpower to challenge the destiny. This is the second reason why I chose to pursue graduate study in the game industry, and to develop games that not only enrich people’s lives, but also offer educational value. My lofty goal is to change the negative image of video games in people’s minds.


When I shared with my parents the thought of entering the game industry, they simply considered this as a wild fantasy of a young man. However, I showed them my competence and willpower through my hard work during my undergraduate studies, and was enrolled in a core-tech team of NetEase Games, one of the best game companies in China. However, after more and more practice in the industry, I discovered my limitation in some in-depth knowledge of computer graphics. Therefore, this is the third reason of my passion for pursuing higher education.


Furthermore, I also want to mention that leadership is also one of my strengths. During my undergraduate studies, I shouldered the role of team leader in every course project, and I also embraced every classmate who failed to find a team. I am faithful that every individual must have some strengths waiting to be discovered, regardless of gender, race or capability. One of my favorite games Life is Strange taught me that, every soul has its shining point, and we should never judge people out of personal prejudice. This is a tenet that I have always followed.


In conclusion, this is a brief history of my life, as a passionate computer graphics lover, an ambitious game developer, a distinguished team leader, and a young man who never gave up pursuing his dream.


Computer Graphics is AWESOME!

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