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Ray Tracer

My First Ray Tracer

This is the first ray tracer I implemented after learning Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing Series.

In this project, I realized the iterative interaction between light and three types of materials (Diffuse, Glossy and Specular) to achieve path tracing.
I also optimized and accelerated the ray tracing process by using BVH (AABB).
Furthermore, I realized other features like textures, lights, volumes, anti-aliasing and motion blur to produce splendid visual effects.

However, even if I have adopted BVH, the ray tracing process is still slow since I did not use parallel computing or GPU to accelerate. Therefore, I set the sample ray for every pixel as 100. As a result, the generated image will have aliasing. I will add features like parallel computing to further explore the ray tracing process in the future. Recently, I'm also interested in real-time ray tracing technique.

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